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كيف يتم الكشف عن فيروس حمى الخنازير الأفريقية؟

الكاتب:مدونة     نشر الوقت: 2023-03-31      المنشأ:Heal Force

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Wondering how to detect the African Swine Fever Virus? Choose Heal Force X960 and X320 Real-time PCR right now. We can provide you with professional Laboratory ASF Detection Solutions, highly improving Laboratory African Swine Fever Virus Detection Capabilities.


African Swine Fever (ASF) is a highly contagious and deadly viral disease that affects domestic and wild pigs. It has been spreading rapidly in many countries and regions around the world, causing huge economic losses to the pig industry. Early detection and diagnosis are crucial in controlling the spread of this disease.

Heal Force, a leading manufacturer and supplier of medical and laboratory equipment, offers a comprehensive ASF detection solution by using Real-time PCR technology. Real-time PCR is highly sensitive and specific laboratory equipment that can detect the ASF virus in samples of blood, tissue, or swabs from infected pigs. Our Real-time PCR can provide accurate results within a few hours, enabling quick and efficient diagnosis of the ASF virus. Heal Force Real-time PCR is easy to use and can process multiple samples simultaneously, increasing efficiency and reducing labor costs.

In addition to the detection solution, Heal Force also provides training and technical support to customers, ensuring they can operate the instrument and interpret the results correctly. We have a team of experienced engineers who can provide customized solutions to meet specific needs and requirements.

With Heal Force ASF detection solution, pig farmers and veterinarians can quickly and accurately detect the ASF virus in their herds, enabling them to take timely measures to control the spread of the ASF virus. This can help to minimize economic losses and protect the health and welfare of pigs.

Heal Force African Swine Fever Detection Solution using Real-time PCR technology is a reliable and efficient tool for early detection and diagnosis of the ASF virus. It provides accurate results, is easy to use, and comes with comprehensive training and technical support. Contact Heal Force today to learn more about how our Real-time PCR can help you detect and control the ASF virus in your herd.

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